November 17, 2016
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Columbus Marriott Northwest
5605 Blazer Parkway, Dublin Ohio 43017
Check in and Roundtables 8:30-10:00 a.m. ▪ Keynote Speaker at 10:00 a.m.
Keynote Speaker: Venice Ceballos, CHW, Manager, CHW Programs, Project ECHO, The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Register online October 3 - November 9, 2016 at: http://medicine.wright.edu/Ohio-CHW-Conference
Cost: $40.00 non-refundable fee (partial subsidies available)
Each conference participant will receive your specific program information listed on the GRID. During the Morning Plenary Panel, participants will discuss the programs described on the CHW GRID. Email completed GRIDs to Katherine.Cauley@wright.edu.
- If you employ community health workers (CHWs) and would like to share information about your work, please complete the CHW Employers GRID (DOCX).This GRID will be distributed at the conference, and during the Morning Plenary CHW Employers Panel, we will discuss the programs described on the CHW Employers GRID.
- If you provide education or training for CHWs and would like to share information about your work, please complete the CHW Education Programs GRID (DOCX). This GRID will be distributed at the conference, and during the Morning Plenary CHW Education Programs Panel, we will discuss the programs described on the CHW Education Programs GRID.MEDTAPP & GRC logos
- If you are a state agency or state-wide organization working with CHWs and would like to share information about your work, please complete the CHW State Agencies/Organizations and CHWs GRID (DOCX). This GRID will be distributed at the conference, and during the Morning Plenary State Agencies/Organizations and CHWs Panel, we will discuss the programs described on CHW State Agencies/Organizations and CHWs GRID.
Please visit the Ohio CHW Conference website for the following:
- Conference participant contact list
- Presentations
This conference is sponsored by the Ohio Department of Medicaid through the MEDTAPP Healthcare Access Initiative