The Building Mental Wellness (BMW) Quality Improvement (QI) initiative seeks to improve the delivery of children’s mental health services, including anticipatory guidance, screening, early diagnosis and management of social emotional problems in primary care, and integrating resources from the Pediatric Psychiatry Network (PPN).
One Day Workshops- “Transforming Care for Youth with Mental Health Concerns”
The OhioAAP will host one-day workshops for pediatric and family medicine providers across Ohio to provide training on utilizing QI Science methodology to accelerate practice change, implementing process mapping for mental health screening implementation, identification and management of common childhood mental health diagnoses, and communication skills.
Building Mental Wellness Learning Modules
The Ohio AAP has developed the Building Mental Wellness learning modules to help primary care clinicians – and anyone who provides care for children – develop the breadth and depth of clinical skills necessary to confidently provide family-centered, coordinated care to these children and families within the medical home. The information and tools provided in each of the 11 modules can be quickly implemented to immediately help patients and their families. In addition, upon completion of each module (approximately 30-80 minutes in length), clinicians will receive FREE CME credit. Click here to learn more about the BMW training modules.
For more information about the One Day Workshops or Building Mental Wellness Learning Modules, please contact Sean O'Hanlon, Project Manager.