The Data Infrastructure was a multi-year initiative aimed at designing and developing a data system that can securely input, download, analyze and store data for quality improvement (QI) purposes.
Phase 1 of this initiative was completed in SFY 2010-2011 and focused on building a technology system that would support all of the MEDTAPP supported QI projects.
Phase 2 of the project resulted in an infrastructure system being built for multiple QI projects, including the Perinatal, Progesterone, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, NICU Graduates, and Building Mental Wellness. The Data Infrastructure team worked with each of the projects throughout the build to ensure that all of the necessary requirements were captured.
Phase 3 of the Data implemented the technology for each QI project and evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation. The project has provided ongoing support to all data sites as the system goes ‘live’, and has supported hundreds of users and health systems to date.
This project was funded by the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and the Ohio Department of Health.