The MEDTAPP Hypertension Quality Improvement Project (QIP) is the first quality improvement project that is part of the Ohio Department of Medicaid’s (ODM’s) Chronic Conditions Quality Collaborative. The Hypertension QIP employs a quality improvement approach modelled after the Model for Improvement popularized by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to promote the use of evidence-based strategies known to improve hypertension management. The SMART aims of the project are to increase the percentage of patients seen by participating practices with controlled hypertension by 15%, and to increase the percentage of African American patients with controlled hypertension by 20%1. Information and best practices related to the QIP are shared in monthly Action Period calls and disseminated to a statewide network of providers invested in improving cardiovascular health via the Ohio Cardiovascular Health Collaborative website.
A design committee consisting of clinical and subject matter experts throughout Ohio developed components of the Hypertension QIP, including a quality improvement change package that incorporates evidence-based research interventions for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. With coaching from quality improvement guides, the 10 wave one primary care practices across seven health systems in Ohio are testing strategies related to implementing best clinical practices, such as accurate blood pressure management and effective treatment. In addition, six of ODM’s contracted managed care plans are using IHI-like quality improvement science tools to test payer-based strategies for improving hypertension control, such as facilitation of medication adherence and home blood pressure monitoring.
Data from Electronic Health Records (EHR) is submitted and analyzed twice a month to inform project progress and provide a feedback mechanism for participating clinical teams to view the success of their PDSA testing cycles. ODM’s managed care plans combine this data with claims data to track their success in providing 90 day prescriptions and facilitating access to home blood pressure monitors.
Moving forward, the 10 wave one primary care clinical practice sites will continue project activities, with an additional group of 13 practice sites across five health systems onboarding in April 2019 to participate in the wave two of the project. Wave two will build on lessons learned during the initial phase around quality improvement coaching, EHR data submission, analysis, and feedback, as well as monthly Action Period call content.
To learn more about practice site requirements and quality improvement activities for the Hypertension QIP, view the Project Overview and FAQs.
This project is sponsored by the Ohio Department of Medicaid and contributes to the effective and efficient administration of the Medicaid program.
1 Note: The SMART Aim differs slightly from the traditional format due to the variety of baseline values for each clinical site and MCP and the desire to provide individual feedback by clinic and plan.