Sara May

Photo of Sara May
Sara May, MA
Project Director

Sara May currently serves as a Project Director and Manager of Quality Improvement Science at the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center (GRC). In her previous roles at GRC, including a project manager and quality improvement (QI) coach, Sara has committed to improving the health of Ohioans by directing or managing QI initiatives focused on maternal and child health and adult chronic disease. Sara is a Six Sigma Black Belt Professional and has a passion for process improvement.

Sara brings more than 15 years of project management experience, with involvement in both for-profit and not-for-profit entities. Currently Sara is leading projects to 1) improve blood pressure control among Ohio adults; 2) initiate a cardiovascular health learning collaborative; 3) complete a landscape analysis to identify Ohio’s readiness to address mental and behavioral health needs following a manmade or natural disaster; and 4) provide measurement and data support to the Outcomes Acceleration for Kids (OAK) Learning Network in connection with goals for improved health care for Ohio children who are Medicaid Members. In addition, Sara has worked through all stages of the quality improvement cycle to evolve population health initiatives, including identifying opportunities and evidence-based strategies, implementing pilot programs, evaluating program effectiveness, and rapid-cycle QI efforts.

Sara’s work related to maternal mental health, type 2 diabetes, pulmonary disease, and implementing a Diabetes Prevention Program has been disseminated in several publications and presented at conferences across the country. Sara received her Bachelor of Science in Interior Merchandising and Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management from The Ohio State University.