June 19 - 23, 2017
The Ohio State University College of Public Health
Professionals working in public health, health care, local and state government, community health, health data analytics, and academia and invited to enroll in the 18th Annual Summer Program in Population Health at the Ohio State University College of Public Health.
Designed by the Center for Public Health Practice with support from the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center, the Summer Program brings world-renowned experts in public health methods to Columbus, Ohio each summer. The unique design of the program provides an opportunity for individuals to learn in an atmosphere of intense scholarship and collaboration. It is the intent of the Summer Program to provide you with a learning opportunity that will fit into your professional life without complicating work schedules and other obligations. There is a course designed to meet your needs, whether you are a student, researcher, public health practitioner, or an individual interested in expanding applicable knowledge and skills. Download the Summer Program in Population Health 2017 brochure here.
Who should attend?
Professionals working in public health, health care, local and state government, community health, health data analytics, and academia.
Registration ends Monday, June 5, 2017.
Continuing Education
Sponsored by the Center for Public Health Practice (MEP100177), a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., this program is designated for (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 16.5 total category I contact hours in health education. Maximum advance-level contact hours available are 16.5.
This activity is approved for 16.5 CPH CEs. The College of Public Health is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.
This continuing education activity has been submitted to the Ohio State Board of Sanitarian Registration.
This activity has been submitted to the Ohio Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The Ohio Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)
Please e-mail Colleen at Fitzgibbons.11@osu.edu for more information about contact hours.