2016 Ohio Pregnancy Assessment Survey Debut Results
View a live recording of the of State of Motherhood in Ohio event presentation of the 2016 OPAS findings
*Please note: There is variable sound quality throughout the presentation. You may need to adjust your volume settings.
Download the presentation slides
Thursday, August 30, 2018
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The Ohio Department of Transportation
1980 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43223
Please join the Ohio Departments of Health and Medicaid and the Government Resource Center as we debut the premier data on Ohio mothers and their infants. The Ohio Pregnancy Assessment Survey (OPAS) is Ohio's most comprehensive collection of unique data on women's experiences prior to, during, and after their pregnancy. State agency leadership will present:
- Statewide and Ohio Equity Institute (OEI) county-specific results for 2016;
- Insight into the Medicaid population; and
- Highlights of historical trends in key outcomes.
- Topics will include social determinants of health, health care access, and health practices such as breastfeeding and tobacco use.
There will also be a demonstration of the new OPAS dashboard, an interactive online tool the public can use to perform their own statewide, regional, or OEI-level analyses of the 2016 OPAS data.
Registration is required. Please register for the event here.