The purpose of the 2011 Ohio Employer Benefits Health Survey (OEHS) was to examine the characteristics of employing firms who offered and did not offer health insurance benefits and wellness plans to workers. A secondary purpose of the OEHS was to compare employer input to household input contained in the 2008 and 2010 versions of the Ohio Family Health Survey. The OEHS had a sample size of 2,289 surveys.
Downloadable Versions of the 2011 Ohio Employer Health Benefits Survey Public Use Data Set
All Versions
2011 OEHS Documentation
2011 Codebook
Methodology Report
Descriptive Statistics
Design and Methods
The OEHS survey utilized a methodology that is similar to that used for the national Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Insurance Component. It randomly selected businesses from a list maintained by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services within strata defined by business size (2-10, 11-49, 50-249, and > 250 employees) and county type (Appalachia, rural non-Appalachia, metropolitan, and suburban). Businesses were contacted by phone and the most informed individual was asked to complete five screening questions to assess the basic characteristics of the business and whether it offers insurance coverage to employees. Questionnaires were then sent to the firms. Firms not responding by mail were contacted by telephone and extended the opportunity to respond by phone. All firms participating in the survey were sent an individual report comparing their responses compares to those of similar firms. Qualitative interviews were conducted for a representative sampling of the responding firms to gain nuisance and context to main themes and problems detected from quantitative data.
Research and Reports
OEHS findings can be found at:
- Full Report
- Brief
- Preliminary Findings From the 2011 OEHS PowerPoint Presentation