The Ohio Study of Associated Risks of Stillbirth (Ohio SOARS) is a statewide, population-based survey designed to collect information on maternal experiences and behaviors before, during, and after pregnancy among individuals who experienced a stillbirth in Ohio. At the request of the Ohio Department of Children & Youth (Ohio DCY) and the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), GRC is administering the Ohio SOARS.
The Ohio SOARS will provide critical, timely population-based data to better understand the risks of stillbirth and to measure progress towards goals in reducing the rates of stillbirth in Ohio. The questionnaire includes topics such as life experiences before and during pregnancy, social support and stress, services and medical tests offered in hospitals after a stillborn delivery, substance use, and grief and bereavement support. The study seeks to collect data not available in medical records or on fetal death certificates. Individuals are contacted to complete the survey approximately 2-4 months after a reported loss and can participate by completing a paper survey delivered via mail or online survey.
Data collection for the 2020-2022 Ohio SOARS surveys is complete. The 2023 Ohio SOARS is currently being fielded with the assistance of RTI International.
Survey Instruments:
- 2023 Ohio SOARS Paper Survey Instrument
- 2022 Ohio SOARS Paper Survey Instrument
- 2021 Ohio SOARS Paper Survey Instrument
- 2020 Ohio SOARS Paper Survey Instrument
For more information on the Ohio SOARS project, please visit the Ohio DCY website