Education Resources

Ask school for comprehensive or specific testing and evaluation

  • It is recommended to ensure the youth has received comprehensive testing and evaluation including the following as appropriate:
    • Occupational Therapy assessment for fine motor skills and sensory processing.
    • Speech Language Pathology assessment for social skills.
    • Physical Therapy assessment
    • Functional Behavioral Analysis conducted by a behavior specialist or psychologist.
    • Test of Problem Solving Skills (TOPS).
    • Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP).
  • Support requests to school for an Evaluation Team Report or Independent Educational Evaluation
    • An ETR is a summary of findings from an initial evaluation or reevaluation that outlines strengths and weaknesses and identifies support needs of the student. Parents/guardians may request an Evaluation Team Report (ETR) in writing.
    • Parents/guardians are able to request an Individualized Educational Evaluation (IEE) to help identify the student’s needs and strengths if there is not agreement on the ETR done by the school district. The IEE is conducted by a neutral third party and at no cost to the parent/guardian.
    • Ask school district of residence to conduct another Evaluation Team Report (ETR) if one has not been done in the last 12 months. This should include Occupational Therapy, Sensory, Speech/Communication and Social/Emotional evaluations. Advise parents of their right to request an independent educational evaluation (IEE) if the ETR is not due or if they do not agree with the testing results and recommendations from the evaluation the school district did.

Educational Resources for Caregivers:

Educational Advocacy:

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

  • Work on IEP with the school and family to ensure it addresses all areas of concern including behavior, social skills, sensory processing, problem solving, perspective taking, mental health, etc.
  • If the youth is not eligible for an IEP, consider reviewing information about Student Success Plans that offers an opportunity to discuss future adults life goals, especially those that lead to a career

IEP Resources:

Education Resources for Staff & Teams:

Career Development and Transition Planning Resources:

Ohio Department of Education Resources and Training:

Safety & Law Enforcement Interactions:

Reading Recommendations:

Toolkit Topics