Family/ Caregiver Support

Parent/Caregiver Peer Support

  • Consider recommending that parents seek a parent/guardian support person if there are reports of guardians that have high levels of stress. A support person would be helpful for the parent/guardian to navigate multi-system care and are helpful in reducing parental/guardian distress as they can have their own advocate
  • Reach out to Parent Advocacy Connection for a Peer Support Person or Other Agency. Depending on the county there may be one available through Family & Children First Council through Parent Advocacy Connection (NAMI) or Greenleaf Family Center
  • Also for consideration, it may be beneficial in some cases to discuss therapy options for parents/guardians that is trauma informed and focused on reducing distress and increasing coping skills

Peer Support Resources:

Trauma-Informed Approach with the Family

  • Consider a trauma-informed approach with the family. Often families whose youth display frequent dysregulating behaviors in the home can display traumatic reactions to these behaviors. It is important to be aware of the family’s culture, how they have or have not discussed the dysregulating behaviors in the home, and how they typically react to them
  • If there are reports of traumatic events in the home, it is recommended to offer trauma-informed therapy to the parents/caregivers to reduce distress in the home and increase adaptive problem solving
  • Share recommendations with parents so they can be informed and vested in the solutions
    • Help parents understand the role they can play in addressing and supporting youth and leverage their influence for change. Trauma informed cares asserts that it is important for the family to have a voice in their child’s care and all recommendations should be reviewed with the family.
    • Support the family to understand and use identified supports and strategies that will be used in school or other environments.. Provide the family with the resources or materials to implement these strategies and model the strategies for the family.

Identify Youth Goals, Explore Motivators, and Build Upon Interests

  • Empower the youth to identify activities that are of interest to them and that will encourage self-worth, choice, and control
  • Explore motivators with the youth and work with the youth to identify their goals
  • Focus on the strengths of the youth to help empower, give hope, and create joy in their life
  • Make sure the youth has some joy in each day
  • Encourage youth to associate difficult or non-preferred tasks with positive experiences

Other Family/Caregiver Support Resources

Family/Caregiver Support and Training:

Parent/Caregiver Advocacy Resources:

Substance Use:

Safety & Law Enforcement Interactions:

Service and Care Coordination Resources:

Adoptive and Kinship Caregiver Resources:

Reading recommendations:

Toolkit Topics