Youth Support

Youth Support Person or Support Group

  • It is recommended that the youth have a peer support person. The peer support person can help the youth with socialization, problem solving, increasing positive feelings and interactions, help decrease frustration, and reduce regulation difficulties
  • Consider connecting the youth to your local Children Services Youth Advisory Board so they can connect the youth to others who are going through what they are experiencing
  • Consider connecting the youth to supportive interaction opportunities like Big Brother or Big Sister
  • For youth with social skill difficulties, consider finding a youth support group for youth with mood or trauma symptoms
  • Find peer support person or youth support group to help with socialization, problem solving, and regulation
  • Identify mentors or life coaches

Online Support

  • It is recommended to support the youth in connecting with other youth who have had similar life experience. Two resources to do this include Youth Move and Hey, I’m Here

Online Support Resources:

Identify Youth Goals, Explore Motivators, and Build Upon Interests

  • Empower the youth to identify activities that are of interest to them and that will encourage self-worth, choice, and control
  • Explore motivators with the youth and work with the youth to identify their goals
  • Focus on the strengths of the youth to help empower, give hope, and create joy in their life
    • Encourage activities the youth enjoys that build on strengths or interests (E.g., participation in sports, working with animals, church choir, cooking or art classes).
    • Could also include career development opportunities that focus on the use of his strengths and interests while being sensitive to any support needs. Success in employment has been therapeutic for individuals to feel accomplished and can place effort on engagement in future planning.
  • Make sure the youth has some joy in each day
  • Encourage youth to associate difficult or non-preferred tasks with positive experiences

Other Youth Support Resources

Visual Support Resources:

Adding a visual component to daily routines and schedules can help the youth remember routines and schedule as well as help them to become more independent. There are numerous resources available to help learn about and create visual supports.

Resources for Trauma Informed Care:

Youth who have experienced trauma should be provided interventions, instruction, and support that are trauma-informed. This applies to educational settings and especially to behavior support programs or interventions. Several resources to consider:

Wellness Resources:

Trauma-informed wellness practices may enhance social-emotional learning, self-soothing skills, and cultivation of a sense of safety for the self.

Toolkit Topics